Questions 19 and 20

Student Behavior

* Note: When scoring this question observers should consider negotiations between students as normative behavior. In this context, disagreements about rules refer to instances when students disagree/argue within the context of a game, and this disagreement disrupts the flow of the game, or impedes play for others.

Examples may include (but are not limited to):

  • Disagreements over who gets to use equipment
  • Disagreements over who gets to take the first turn in the context of a game
  • Disagreements over rules of game play (which may include, but not limited to):
    • Safe or out (baseball, softball, kickball)
    • Fouls/Penalties (basketball, soccer, etc.)
    • In bounds or out (baseball, soccer, softball, kickball, basketball etc.)
    • Whether or not someone was tagged in a tag game

A Score of 1 is marked when there are disagreements across most games and/or play activities

A Score of 2 is marked when there are multiple disagreements that affect games and/or play activities

A Score of 3 is marked when there are isolated incidents of disagreement that affect games and/or play activities

A Score of 4 is is marked when there are no disagreements based on rules are observed.

Example of argument over rules.

Conflict resolution strategies include:

  • Rock-paper-scissors (ROSHAMBO)
  • Speaking honestly and kindly to each other
  • Listening to others opinion carefully
  • Proposing solutions and agreeing on a solution.

​*If no conflict was observed then score as 4.

Video Example:

In this example, students disagree if the runner was safe, so the students do “rock, paper, scissors” to determine if she is safe or not. This strategy did not require adult intervention and did not escalate to negative communication or a physical altercation.

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