Playworks TagTeam is a year-long certification program that builds capacity for out-of-school-time partners to run a recess service at schools in their community.
Playworks is the leading national nonprofit leveraging the power of play in elementary schools to transform children’s physical, social and emotional health. Through Playworks TagTeam, we’re sharing our evidence-based recess strategies that have been cultivated over 25 years with out-of-school-time partners in order to increase the number of adults who are trained to facilitate safe and healthy play at recess across the country. Partner organizations become certified to lead Playworks TagTeam programming with schools. For more information, email
How it works:
OST partner connects with schools
OST partner identifies 1-3 local schools who want to pilot a recess program.
Playworks trains OST partner
Playworks provides the training and tools needed to run a high-quality recess.
Measure success
Data is collected at the beginning and end of the program to measure growth.
Regular check-ins and consultation
Playworks check-ins with managers regularly and provides monthly consultation.
“Our collaborative partnership has seemed seamless.”
– Sharon Ramos
VP of Operations, Boys & Girls Clubs of Carson
Certification Components
Playworks understands that youth development is already a big job! Playworks TagTeam strategically connects certification learning with the day-to-day work of recess.
In-Person Trainings
2-day deep-dive into recess for managers and frontline staff
In-Person Consultation Visit (1 per school)
Playworks expert observes recess and meets with OST staff
Recess Manager Course
Online course focused on recess management and quality
Monthly Virtual Coaching Calls
Playworks expert hosts 1-hour calls for customized support
Online Learning
Learning pathways with Playworks best practices
Virtual Community of Practice Membership
Learning and fellowship calls for partners across the country
Conditions for a Successful Partnership
Leadership is interested in expanding their service model through school partnership.
Why? Playworks TagTeam certification requires buy-in from the person with decision-making power regarding funding, hiring, and scheduling.
Organization has established strong relationships with local schools over 3+ years.
Why? Kicking off a multi-school service is much more challenging if they don’t have existing relationships in their district.
Organization can dedicate staff to fit the following roles:
- Program Director
The primary organization liaison who will foster school relationships, provide management coaching to the Recess Manager, and hold staff accountable to meeting Playworks TagTeam certification requirements.
- Recess Manager (primary participant in certification program work)
The manager who will oversee and empower the Recess Coaches, model and sub in when necessary, observe recess weekly, participate in monthly consultation calls with Playworks, and ensure program quality across school sites.
- Recess Coaches (1 per school partner)
The youth development professional who will facilitate school recess min. 3x/week.
Why? We want to make sure that our partners are aware of the staffing structure for Playworks TagTeam so they can make informed decisions about whether they have the capacity at this time (whether they are hiring or assigning staff from other roles).
Organization’s leadership is committed to supporting frontline staff and managers by dedicating paid time for ongoing professional development and certification requirements.
Why? A large portion of Playworks TagTeam is professional development at both the frontline and manager levels. The program cannot work unless there’s time for staff training.
Get Started Today!
For more information, email
View our Digital Service Terms & Conditions
Current partners: Download logo files for the Playworks TagTeam Junior Coach shirts here
We are the proud recipient of an Allstate Foundation grant that supports our Playworks TagTeam program.
Explore Our Services
Onsite Coaches
Create a culture of play before, during, and after school every day with a skilled Playworks Coach.
Consultative Support
Equip your recess team through on-site support and modeling during the school day.
Staff Training
Sharpen play facilitation skills with professional development for your staff.