Questions 13 and 14

A score of 1 is when 10% of the students present at recess are engaged in physically active play.

A score of 2 is when 11-50% of the students present at recess are engaged in physically active play.

A score of 3 is when 51-89% of the students present at recess are engaged in physically active play.

A score of 4 is when 90% of the students present at recess are engaged in physically active play.

​* The focus of this question is on active play, as opposed to just physical activity. Thus, if students are actively waiting in line during a game, they will still count as being involved in physically active play because that is the nature of that particular game to wait for your turn. For example, waiting in line to bat at baseball. However, if students are waiting in line but purposely never take a turn to join the game or are standing around in the game and clearly not participating, this will not count as being physically active.

​* Score this item at 5, 10, and 15 minutes into recess. Use the average of the three scores for your final score.

Examples of using equipment in an unsafe manner and/or as unintended:

  • Flipping off play structures
  • Climbing up the slide
  • Climbing fences
  • Hogging equipment and not using it
  • Kicking cones/equipment
  • Standing on swings or running through swings
  • Breaking equipment
  • Using equipment inappropriately:
    • Using a basketball as a dodge ball
    • Hitting other students with jump ropes

​**This does not include examples where children take equipment to make up a new game as long as it is in a safe manner.

​Note: this question should be scored in regard to equipment, not children. Thus, a score of 1 would NOT indicate the most children are using equipment in an unsafe manner, but rather that most equipment was being used inappropriately.

A score of 1 is when 10% of the equipment is being used appropriately and in a safe manner.

A score of 2 is when 11-50% of the equipment is being used appropriately and in a safe manner.

A score of 3 is when 51-89% of the equipment is being used appropriately and in a safe manner.

A score of 4 is when 90% of the equipment is being used appropriately and in a safe manner.

Example Video:

Examples of using equipment in an unsafe or unintended manner: climbing up slide, jumping off structure, standing on side of structure, kicking cones, etc.

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