A movement in some schools makes efforts to reintroduce play into our kindergarten classrooms.

Drama corners, building blocks, and water tables were once the norm in kindergarten classrooms, but not any more. Kindergarten looks more like first grade than ever before. Students sit at desks with worksheets and textbooks. But a new movement is pushing aside worksheets to reintroduce blocks and art easels.

Recently, this movement has garnered the attention of The New York Times in an article entitled “Kindergartens Ringing the Bell for Play Inside the Classroom.”. And the movement is called purposeful play. Educators are gathering to learn a new curriculum that uses play time and playful instruction to teach reading and math.

As we know, it’s not a dichotomy. Academics do not need to push out play. In fact with playful instruction and fun, safe play time, our kids can learn the social, emotional, physical, and academic skills they need to become happy, productive adults.

Read more in the NYTimes.


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