
junior coach at podium
junior coach at podium

October 9, 2018

Pennsylvania Legislators Play to Prevent Bullying ›

“A well-rounded childhood is when a child has everything they need to learn and live in a respectful safe way,” Junior Coach Nafis explains to legislators and staffers at the…

February 27, 2017

New Research Brief: Improve Recess for Better Student Outcomes ›

When elementary schools create a safe and healthy recess for students, there can be a major impact on individual kids and school climate overall.

September 13, 2016

Announcing: Playworks AIM ›

New Playworks vision aims to ensure safe and healthy play every day for 3.5 million kids in 7,000 elementary schools nationwide

June 17, 2016

California Educator Cover Story: Reclaiming Recess ›

Play during schooltime improved students' behavior and academic performance

February 9, 2016

Want kids to learn? Give them a break. ›

As schools search for more time for academic learning, recess is the wrong place to look.

August 28, 2015

Back to School, Back to Recess ›

Research suggests that playground social skills predict future success.

June 23, 2015

Corporate Recess: Why Play Isn’t Just for Kids ›

Playworks implements corporate play days at regional offices.

May 11, 2015

Announcing 2015 Playworks Award Winners ›

Playworks Reveals Salesforce as the 2015 Inspiring Leadership Award Winner and other award recipients.

May 4, 2015

The Herculean Efforts of Teachers on Behalf of Society ›

May 4-8 is Teacher Appreciation Week and we’d like to recognize all teachers do for our kids.