May 4 – May 10, 2015 is Screen Free Week. Here are six ideas to get playing.

All this week, people around the world have shut off their devices—TV, iPad, mobile, computer—and are making time away from their screens a priority. And even though you are reading this now, you can participate too.

In celebrating Screen Free Week, we can make this possible for our families by providing fun activities for our kids to enjoy away from their devices. Here are six ideas to get started:

Give your kids some cardboard boxes, scissors, tape, and markers and let their imaginations run wild.

Place a sheet in front of your television to create the backdrop for a stage so the kids can create, practice, and put on a show.

Gather all the extra pillows and blankets in the house and build a fort together. Then bring everyone’s favorite books or toys into the fort to play.

Head outside, teach the kids how to play shout tag, and let them play! Whether they continue playing tag or move on to a new activity, you’ll just be happy the kids are outside playing actively.

Have some of your kids’ friends over to play a game of capture the flag. This game is best played with six or more and is a lot of fun with neighbors to extend the boundaries of the game.

Teach your kids your favorite childhood game. Whether you pull out a board game or a ball, playing games from your childhood is one of the best ways to build relationships with your children and play away from a screen.

Now turn this device off and go play!


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