The benefits of recess move well beyond the playground.

When we encourage principals to consider if their students are getting a quality recess, a question that we are often posed in return is, “What is a quality recess?” A quality recess is created when schools proactively create a playground that supports the physical, emotional, and social development of students. During a quality recess, students engage in active play, learn respect, and exhibit positive behavior. And what happens on the playground is connected to what happens in the classroom.

With a focus on improving recess, the result is that teachers can focus on teaching, and the schools and students benefit from the recaptured teaching time. In fact, many schools recapture more than 36 hours of teaching time a year—the equivalent of several weeks of math, language arts, or other instruction. According to research, play is essential for healthy child development and an invaluable tool for improving school climate. Published studies show that quality recess and playtime help children maintain positive classroom behavior and focus on academic tasks.

So, are your students getting a quality recess? Visit the new section of our website created just for principals to find out.

More Resources

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