How to play Drop the Cookie!

Every year our program staff are asked if they have any new games they learn that can be added to our playbook. This 386-page book has grown over the years because of the expertise of over 400 wonderful playground coaches. One of the games shared this year is the Game of the Week is Drop the Cookie!

Group Size: 

 Large group (10 or more)

Age Group: 

 Pre K/K

 Grades 1-2

 Grades 3-5

Length of Activity: 

 10 minutes or more

Developmental Goal: 

 Sense of boundaries, eye-foot coordination, listening to directions



Before You Start: 
  • Show the players the “cookies” (half-cones) and tell them ‘how delicious they are.’
  • Remind the players what a safe tag looks like and tell them what the boundaries are.
Set Up: 
Use a large play area with clear boundaries appropriate for the number of players.
How To Play: 
  • Hand out cones to about one-third of the group.
  • The players who do not have cones chase those who do.  When they tag them, they yell “Drop the cookie!”
  • The player who is tagged must drop it and run away (becoming a tagger).
  • The tagger picks up the cone and then is chased by the other players.


  • Exchange the cones for pool noodles. Players then yell “Drop the Linguine!”
  • Replace the cones with other equipment.
  • Have the cones represent another object, such as a ball or pizza.
  • Have players yell other’s names, such as “Hey (name), drop the cookie!”, to reinforce learning names.
  • If played indoors, emphasize safety and spatial awareness by alternating movement, such as hopping, walking or playing on knees.

Find more new and exciting games in our 
games database!


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