This game is great to help develop verbal communication and teamwork.

Group Size: Large group (10 and up)
Age Group: Good for all ages
Equipment: Kickball, Cones (to create bases)

Before You Start:

  • This game can be played on a regular kickball field or by using four cones for bases in a large area.
  • Bases should be large enough to fit multiple players.
  • Remind players to play in a position and to call the ball.
  • Encourage passing the ball.
  • Remind students to tag softly with the ball.

How to Play:

  • The object of the game is to kick the ball, run the bases, and touch home without getting out and have your team score as many points as possible.
  • Divide the group into two teams.
  • There are no foul balls.
  • Players can kick the ball backwards only if there is a backstop or wall behind home plate.
  • There can be more than one runner on a base at any time.
  • Runners may choose to stay on one base if it is unsafe to run.
  • Runners can pass each other at any time.
  • Runners must return to the previous base if the pitcher has the ball before they are half-way to the next base.
  • Runners can get out when their fly ball is caught before it bounces or if they are tagged while not on a base.
  • Teams switch after one time through the kicking rotation.


Notes: This version of kickball works well because it allows the advanced players to run fast through the bases and it allows beginners to take their time and learn the game.

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