Recess Games

November 13, 2018
5 Ways to Make Your Playworks Recess a Success ›
In 2017, Playworks and the American Institutes for Research (AIR) partnered to learn more about how effective recess teams drive strong quality and recess outcomes. Close your eyes and picture…

August 22, 2018
Introducing Recess Reboot! (3.0) ›
A few years ago, Playworks received a grant that came with a big challenge: How could we help more schools use our best recess strategies on their own, without our…

July 28, 2017
Checklist: Back to School, Back to Recess ›
As teachers are preparing lesson plans, learning new curriculum, and setting up their classrooms, it is time to start prepping our collective classroom: the playground. Recess deserves back to school…