How to play silent ball a great indoor recess game!

Unfortunately, with rain, snow and cold weather this winter, students may be spending more times indoors. This is the time to pull out those all time favorite games for the classroom. The Game of the Week is Silent Ball!

Group Size:  Any size

Age Group:  Pre K – Grades 5
Length of Activity:  Under 10 minutes
Developmental Goal:  To develop non-verbal communication and eye-hand coordination.
Equipment:  Dodgeballs

Before You Start:

  • Have players spread out  standing up in the available space.
  • Explain the rules of play and check for understanding with yes or no questions.
  • You will need one medium size ball, any that is appropriate for the players catching skill level.

How To Play:

  • Leader counts down, “3, 2, 1, silent” and passes the ball to another person in the play area.
  • A player must sit down if:
    • S/he drops the ball.
    • S/he makes a bad pass.
    • They talk or make noise.
  • Play continues until only one person remains.
  • Last player standing gets to be first to throw the ball in the next round.
  • All players who were sitting may return to play at the start of a new round.
  • If game is progressing slowly, add a challenge by limiting time to throw, having all players take spread out, asking everyone to keep one hand behind their back at all times and so on.


  • For young, beginning players: Have youth sit or stand in a circle. See if they can pass the ball around the circle without anyone laughing or talking. Add more balls for a challenge round.
  • Silent Trees! Start with players sitting on the ground, when a player makes a mistake, s/he stands up and becomes a tree. Trees must remain planted, i.e they cannot move his/her feet. The tree can re-enter the game by deflecting or intercepting a pass. The person who was unsuccessful at making a pass becomes a tree.


Find 156 fun games in our newest Game Guide.

Includes everything from games you can play in a small space with no materials, to games you can play in a big group during recess. Search for games by age level, time/space/materials available, and by the life skills used (like problem solving or teamwork).

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