How to play Over Under Relay

Without much space, indoor games can be challenging. This fun game can be played with medium to large groups in aisles and hallways. The Game of the Week is Over Under Relay.

Group Size:  Large group (10 or more)

Age Group:  Grades 1-5
Length of Activity:  10 minutes or more
Developmental Goal:  To develop cooperation and teamwork.
Equipment:  Bouncy Balls

Before You Start: 

  • Have players line up behind each other in groups of eight to ten, spreading out one arm’s length distance apart. 
  • Demonstrate how to pass the ball over someone’s head then under someone’s legs.
  • Give the person in front of the line a ball.
  • Designate a start and finish line.

How To Play: 

  • The object of the game is for the group to pass back the ball either over their head or under their legs, alternating methods with each person (first person passes over their head, second person passes under their legs, third person over their head and so on). 
  • When the last person in line gets the ball, he or she runs/skips/jumps/etc. to the front of the line and starts passing the ball back again.
  • Play until everyone reaches a finishing point (the line should have moved up with each new start) or until a specific number of turns.


  • Have players shut their eyes while they are passing and receiving the ball.
  • Play with a basketball where the players must take (or make!) a shot at a basket before returning to the front of the line.
  • Add dribbling challenges such as left/right hand only or pivoting before passing the ball back.
  • Play with a soccer ball and add similar challenges.

Find more new and exciting games in our games library!

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