How to Play Poop Deck

From this summer's Playworks newsletter, the Game of the Week is… Poop Deck! (Warning: You may need to schedule a short period of laughter when introducing the name of this game to young players with the giggles!)

Group Size: Any Size
Age Group: 

 Pre K-Grade 5

Length of Activity: 

 Under 10 minutes

Developmental Goal: 

 To develop listening skills and awareness



Before You Start: 
  • Line students up on the sideline. Make sure all students have room to move safely between the decks.
  • Make sure all students know where each deck is located.
  • Review the importance of awareness and honesty.

Set Up: 
A large rectangle split into 3 equal sections (basketball court works with key lines extended with chalk), designate/label sections: Poop Deck, Quarter Deck and Main Deck.

How To Play: 
  • Students line up with their toes behind the sideline.
  • The leader stands at the end-line and shouts either Poop Deck! Quarter Deck! or Main Deck!
  • All students must then run to the designated area.

    • The last student to cross over the line into the area is out until the next round. The caller is the judge (but students usually know when they do not make it).
  • When only a few students are left; begin a new round.

  • The decks can be answers/solutions to trivia or math for older students.
  • The last student in becomes the new caller for the next round.
  • Instead of students becoming judges, if they arrive last they do 10 jumping jacks and get back in the game.
  • Create new commands, incorporating other skills e.g., walking, skipping, hopping, jogging backwards, etc. (also good to consider for safety reasons).

Find more new and exciting games in our games database!

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