Group Size: Any
Age Group: Good for all ages
Equipment: None


To share and learn about one another. To practice speaking and listening.

Before You Start:

Gather the group in a contained area.

How to Play:

  • Instructor begins by saying, “Find somebody who…” filling in the blank
    • Options are endless. Here are a few:
      • …has the same number of brothers and sisters as you
      • …shares the same favorite color as you
      • …was born in the same month as you, etc.
  • Students must find a partner.
    • As partners they are to decide who side A is and who side B is and then clasp hands in the air so the leader knows they are ready.
  • Instructor specifies a particular piece of information A and B are to share with each other.
    • Options are endless. Here are a few:
      • If you could be any animal what would it be and why?
      • What is one thing you would change about the school to make it a better place?
      • If you could have a magical power what would it be? 
      • How do you know somebody is being a good friend?
  • After each person has had a chance to speak the instructor begins a second round of “Find Somebody Who…”
  • Three rounds are optimal.


  • Instead of having the shares be verbal shares, give group challenges. For example: figure out how to support each other’s weight with both partners balancing on one foot.
  • Lead them in partner stretches.

More Resources

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