Guest blogger Erika Phyall shares School Bullying Outbreak Infographic

Erika Phyall works in community relations for University of Southern California Rossier School of Education’s online master’s programs. USC Rossier Online provides current and aspiring teachers the opportunity to earn a MAT online and a Masters in Education. Outside of work, Erika enjoys networking, DIY projects, and spending time with her two dogs.

To create bullying-free schools, it’s necessary that we educate teachers, students and parents about the prevalence and consequences of it. We all believe a school should be a safe place for the children, a place where they can learn without fear or apprehension.

Unfortunately, one out of four kids experience bullying at least once a month in the U.S. There are steps that can be taken to use healthy play to create positive change. Organizations like Playworks and others believe that steps can be taken to not only address circumstances of bullying when it occurs, but to prevent bullying, teasing, exclusion and name calling before it happens.

The infographic below shares facts about the methods, consequences and preventative measures related to bullies and bullied victims in schools. It’s important to fight for bullying-free school environments, so please tell us your thoughts about creating bully-free school zones.

School Bullying Outbreak MAT@USC
Via MAT@USC: Masters in Teaching

What steps do you take to create a bullying-free school?

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