Game Tag: Cooperative Games

11+ Players
Grades 3-5
10-15 Minutes
Chuck the Chicken ›
Chuck the chicken is a game that challenges players to think strategically and move together while practicing the skill of passing an object over their head and between their legs.

6-10 Players
Grades 3-5
Bean Bags
5-10 Minutes
Tic Tac Toe Relay ›
This is a great game for active indoor and outdoor play. In this game, players work together to get three of their team’s markers in a row.

11+ Players
Grades 3-5
15-20 Minutes
Celebrity Dodgeball ›
This is a great game for older students during indoor recess. In this game, players work together to throw a dodgeball at the chosen “celebrity”. This is a dodgeball variation!

6-10 Players
All Ages
10-15 Minutes
Detective Frog ›
This is a great game for indoor play! In this game, players get the chance to try on different skills, like being a part of a team and watching others’…

11+ Players
All Ages
No equipment needed
10-15 Minutes
Giant ›
This is a great game for indoor play! Students practice self-control in their bodies and voices while also practicing safe tagging.

Large Group (10 and up)
Grades 3-5
10 minutes or more
Magic Mind Trick ›
This is a great icebreaker, minute mover, or indoor recess game! In this game, students form a circle with one player taking the role of the “Mind Reader” in the…