Game Library

Need a group game for 30 kindergarteners, indoors, in a pinch? Trying to convince 5th grader boys to stop hogging the ball? We have you covered.

Explore hundreds of games by group size, available space and equipment, appropriate ages, and developmental skills. Our games are designed to keep all kids playing. You will see lots of games where everyone is “it”, ground-rules that keep games manageable for recess supervisors, skill-building variations on students’ favorite sports, and other adaptations that make games fun and inclusive for everyone.

kids smiling
kids smiling
  • Grades 3-5

  • No equipment needed

Wink-Ums ›

  • Large Group (10 and up)

  • Grades 3-5

  • Dodgeballs

  • 10 minutes or more

  1. Tag Games

Wolves and Bunnies ›

Playworks children playing indoor recess games
Playworks children playing indoor recess games
  • Pre K/K

  • Balls

Wonderball ›

  • Grades 3-5

  • Bouncy Balls

X-Square ›

  • Grades 1-2

  • No equipment needed

You Can, Two Can Workout ›

  • Any Size

  • Grades 3-5

  • None

  • Less Than 10 minutes

  1. Icebreaker
  2. Indoor Game

Zip, Zap, Pop ›

In this sequencing game, students will develop comfort with their peers and strengthen their concentration skills. To begin, teach the students a hand gesture to go with the words “Zip,”…

  • Large Group (10 and up)

  • Grades 1-2

  • None

  • Less Than 10 minutes

  1. Indoor Game
  2. Readiness Games

Zoo ›

In this fun animal-filled game, students will practice self-control and following directions. In order for this game to be successful, be sure to remind students of the classroom boundaries and…