Drop and Hit 2-Square

Pre K/K
Bouncy Balls
Development Goal
To develop hand-eye coordination.
Before You Start
Skills Practiced: Underhand and overhand ball hitting.
Equipment Needed: Enough standard rubber playground balls for each pair.
- Pair off the players
- Explain the under hand position for hitting the ball.
- Have two students volunteer to help demonstrate.
- Point out various rules and directions.
- Review the rules and ask students to repeat them back to you.
Set Up
Use the four square courts or create two adjacent boxes approximately five feet square with chalk or rope.
How to Play
- The game begins when one player serves the ball. They let the ball bounce once and then hit it into their partners box.
- The receiving player must let the ball bounce once and then return it.
Play continues until the ball:
- Is hit outside the square.
- Bounces twice before it is returned.
- Is not allowed to bounce.
- Is hit onto a line.
- Is carried or held.
- If there are only two students, the server is the player who did stop the play.
- If there are players waiting in line, the player who stopped the play goes to the end of the line and the next player comes in.
- Allow older students to add a limited number of more complex rules, i.e. blackjacks, double-hits.
- These rules should be clear and agreed upon before the game begins.