Defensive Drills

Ages 6-10
Development Goal
To develop an understanding of one-on-one defense.
Before You Start
Skills Practiced: Dribbling, defense and agility.
- Prepare students for an activity that will have several short games.
- Review basketball rules.
Set Up
Prepare an area, preferably a basketball court, marked by cones, chalk, or lines.
How to Play
- Divide players into two groups, lined up shoulder-to-shoulder.
- Start with both lines facing each other, while you are standing between the two lines.
- Throw the ball down the court and the first person from each line runs down the court to retrieve the ball.
- The player who gets the ball first attempts to dribble the ball back to you.
- The other player plays defense.
- When the ball is back in your hands, the next people in line are up.
Shoulder Move
- Paired off players face each other, holding onto each other’s shoulders.
- Players take turns leading each other, moving around the court.
- You can give different signals to signify different movements, i.e. one whistle means move left, two whistles means move right.
- Players pair off.
- One player leads, moving all around the court, while the other player must follow and stay within three feet of the leader.
- Players switch after one minute or when you give a signal.
Cone Weaving
- Set up several rows of cones, side-by-side with about four feet between them.
- Pair students and have them line up behind each row of cones.
- Players must weave through the cones in pairs, without passing or tripping over each other, for a designated amount of time (i.e. two minutes).
- You can signal a change of direction.