Teachers: We Appreciate You! 

Every year, Teacher Appreciation Week is all about celebrating the wonderful work educators do day in and day out. This year has been unprecedented, and teachers have demonstrated that they are superheroes, able to overcome tremendous obstacles. 

Show yourself some appreciation for all that you’ve accomplished this year. It can be difficult to accept gratitude and feel worthy of the praise you receive. Take a minute to reflect on the time and energy you have invested in your students and on ensuring they’re successful in spite of this year’s challenges.

It’s easy to focus on our shortcomings and mistakes, and while it is important to be humble and learn from those, we should also celebrate our accomplishments as we can learn from those as well. Identify the challenges you overcame, the problem-solving skills you honed, the victories of both your students and yourselves, and the lessons that will help you continue to grow as a teacher. We hope you’ll take some time this week to acknowledge your feats and those of your colleagues and fellow educators. 

To help spread some appreciation and cheer with your colleagues and friends, we’ve compiled a list of 5 self-care tips to treat yourself, 5 special treats to take advantage of this week, and 5 ways you can show gratitude, even virtually. Check these out then give yourself a big High-Five for a job well done!

5 Self Care Resources for Educators.

  1. Educator self-care Bingo
  2. Prioritizing Self-Care While Working From Home
  3. Guided meditation and Yoga for Educators
  4. 30 Ways to Bring More Mindfulness and Self-Care to Your Classroom
  5. No Time? Teachers Can Still Practice Self Care with This Simple Change

5 Treats for Teachers to Enjoy This Week*:

  1. Barnes and Noble: Get 20% off purchases for classroom use throughout the year, and 25% off purchases during Educator Appreciation Days.
  2. Adobe Creative Cloud: Teachers save 60% off monthly Creative Cloud subscriptions.
  3. Headspace: visit headspace.com/educators for a free subscription for personal and classroom use. 
  4. Pvolve fitness: receive the 50% student and educator discount at pvolve.com/pages/student-discount 
  5. Michaels: visit michaels.com/teachers to get 15% off every purchase.

*Please note we are not sponsored by or endorsing any of these companies

5 Ways to Demonstrate Gratitude On and Offline:

  1. Share a fun memory or share a funny gif on social media, or dig out a printed picture from one of those buried photo albums. 
  2. Text a friend just to say hello and let them know you’re thinking of them – or pick up the phone and call.
  3. Write them an email or utilize snail mail to send a handwritten letter.
  4. Send them a surprise delivery that can be redeemed digitally, or order a little gift shipped by mail.
  5. Play a game together via Zoom, or in-person physically distanced. Need ideas? Check out our free downloadable Work Play Balance workbook

However you choose to show yourself and your fellow teachers appreciation this week, we hope you know how impactful your work is on your students. Whoosh claps to all of you!