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February 25, 2010
What do play and work have in common? As you might imagine, that’s something we think about at Playworks. In the workplace, play can be a tool that smart leaders…
Naples News
Liz Freeman
February 23, 2010
The founder of a nonprofit organization that brings recess back into low-income urban schools understands why education reformers focus on what happens in the classroom.
Portland Public Schools Pulse
February 19, 2010
If there's anyplace that kids rule, it's the playground, right? Think again. Portland Public Schools principals and teachers say they have seen big reductions in foul play, hurt feelings and…
February 11, 2010
“This is not about inches or pounds, and it’s not about how our children look. This is about how our children feel.” ~ First Lady Michelle Obama announcing Let’s Move, the…
US News & World Report
Nancy Shute
February 5, 2010
There's one thing that's almost guaranteed to make your child do better in school: more recess. Not only do children do better academically if they get outside to play, but…
February 4, 2010
Principals say recess has a positive impact on learning; students are more focused, listen better after recess
Christian Science Monitor
Amanda Paulson
Recess isn't about just play. More than 80 percent of elementary-school principals believe that recess has a positive impact on academic achievement, according to a new Gallup survey released Thursday.…
January 22, 2010
Recently I was asked to speak at the TEDx Conference in San Francisco on the role of play and creativity. The theme of my talk was based on a quote…
The Bee
Merry MacKinnon
November 25, 2009
When Grout Elementary School Principal Susan McElroy suggests that children don’t know how to play anymore, her view is based on years of watching kids outside on playgrounds during recess.…