With Playworks’ approach to recess, stop bullying before it starts.

Researchers at Stanford and Mathematica Policy Research found that teachers at Playworks schools reported significantly less bullying and exclusionary behavior than at other schools.

Bullying that starts on the playground spills into the classroom, the home, and even onto social media. The good news is, you can create a recess culture where bullying stops before it starts.

To proactively prevent bullying behavior at recess:

✔   Teach kids fun, simple ways to resolve their own conflicts so that small quarrels don’t escalate into hurt feelings. Try rock, paper, scissors.

✔   In games like foursquare and jump-rope, expect (and model) inclusion. All kids should feel comfortable and accepted at recess.

✔   Help students practice positive social and emotional skills. Make positive interactions, like high-fives and “good job, nice try,” the norm.

✔   Create recess leadership opportunities. Leading games or monitoring equipment can help students channel their superpowers for good.

We are here to help!

For the past 20 years, Playworks has worked with schools to learn and test recess best practices. The Centers for Disease Control and schools around the country look to us as the leader in the field.

Now, we want to bring that know-how to you.

Playworks can support your school with everything from hundreds of free games and resources to best-in-class professional development and full-time staff.

But first, we’d like to listen.

Get in touch for a free 15-minute recess consultation.

We’d be honored to be your thought partner for next year’s recess strategy.


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