Playworks helps you take advantage of students’ natural lab for SEL.

More than 90% of staff at Playworks schools report increased student cooperation, conflict resolution, and ability to focus in class.

Social and emotional learning doesn’t stop at the classroom door. The strategies kids practice at recess stick with them. Create a recess environment that encourages self-management, relationship skills, and social awareness.

To build social skills and emotional intelligence at recess:

✔   Help all students internalize rules and expectations for core games like foursquare and jump-rope so they can practice self-management.

✔   Build relationship skills by teaching fun, simple ways to resolve conflicts so small quarrels don’t escalate. Try rock, paper, scissors.

✔   Promote empathy and social awareness by modeling high-fives and encouraging language. Older students can be incredible role models!

We are here to help!

For the past 20 years, Playworks has worked with schools to learn and test recess best practices. The Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence and schools around the country look to us as the leader in the field.

Now, we want to bring that know-how to you.

Playworks can support your school with everything from hundreds of free games to best-in-class professional development, youth leadership curricula, and full-time staff.

But first, we’d like to listen.

Get in touch for a free 15-minute recess consultation.

We’d be honored to be your thought partner for next year’s recess strategy.


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Email me free recess resources and update me about opportunities to partner with Playworks.