
February 22, 2022

How Playworks Programming Promotes Physical Activity ›

The conversation about how to revitalize education most often focuses on test scores; however, an overlooked opportunity to boost learning lies outside the classroom: on the playground at recess. Unfortunately,…

February 17, 2022

Rhode Island’s Active Indoor Recess Week ›

What if Indoor Recess was just as active as outdoor recess, with students moving around, playing, and having positive social interactions through group games? Sounds great, but how do we…

children playing game indoors
children playing game indoors

February 3, 2022

Rocking indoor recess in the gym… or classroom… or cafeteria… ›

Recess happens every day: rain or shine, snow or sleet, hot or cold weather. But what happens when weather conditions keep you inside? Can you still have an engaging, fun,…

February 3, 2022

Rocking indoor recess in the gym… or classroom… or cafeteria… ›

Recess happens every day: rain or shine, snow or sleet, hot or cold weather. But what happens when weather conditions keep you inside? Can you still have an engaging, fun,…

group of students with coach
group of students with coach

January 28, 2022

Teaming Up with Boston’s John F. Kennedy School for Safe and Healthy Play ›

When Jonah Williams walked into the John F. Kennedy Elementary School in Jamaica Plain at the beginning of this school year, he couldn’t wait to see the students he’d known…

January 20, 2022

How to Talk to Kids About Losing ›

Kids struggle with losing during play every day. Here are some tips, gathered from Playworks staff across the country, on how to empathetically talk to kids about losing, whether it…

January 14, 2022

2021-22 Mid-Year Report: Adjusting and Adapting ›

As we continue to navigate the challenges presented by COVID-19, Playworks has leaned into the healing power of play to strengthen and support our communities.  Our partners have allowed us…

December 30, 2021

Looking Forward to Joy in 2022 ›

Over the last five weeks, we have been exploring the concept of joy: what it means to us, how it shows up in our lives, and how to share it…

collage of group photos
collage of group photos

December 23, 2021

Ten Joyful Moments of 2021 ›

This year has been an incredible one for Playworks New England, and we want to share ten moments that have brought us joy in 2021. Enjoy! 1. We hosted our…