
March 17, 2021
UnitedHealthcare Kickball Team Looks Forward to the Next Tournament ›
UnitedHealthcare Community Plan of WI had the opportunity to sponsor two teams in the Playworks Wisconsin 2019 Corporate Kickball Tournament. Corporate Kickball is an active employee engagement event that brings…

December 9, 2020
UnitedHealthcare Continues Playing by Teaming Up with Playworks ›
UnitedHealthcare employees transitioned to full time telecommuting as a precautionary measure in March of 2020 when Covid 19 began to take hold across the Country. Like our kids, many employees…

December 9, 2020
Milwaukee Bucks and Johnson Controls Extend Grants for 3 Additional Years ›
Earlier this year the Milwaukee Bucks and Johnson Controls furthered their commitment to Playworks by extending their annual grant for an additional three years. In 2017, the Bucks and Johnson…

December 9, 2020
Wisconsin Schools Prioritize Recess and Play During the Pandemic ›
Every week, our school communities face new and evolving challenges. For in-person schools, the need to socially distance, limit movement in the classroom, pivot to online learning when quarantining is…