October AmeriCorps Coach of the Month: Coach Heather

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Coach Heather is in her first year as an AmeriCorps member, and she’s helping to create a safe and welcoming playground at many schools as our flex coach. As a flex coach, Coach Heather has already lent helping hands to other coaches in their first few months of the school year. She fills in when they can’t be there and provides additional support to schools who need it most.

She has taken this unique challenge in stride and is working with all of our other coaches to build lasting, healthy community at their schools. Here’s a little more about Coach Heather:

What is your favorite game/sport?

I love foursquare and dodgeball.

How do you usually relax after a long day?

I usually workout or eat something delicious and watch Netflix (usually both).

What is your guilty pleasure?

I love gossip girl and the song “Bottoms Up.”

Tell us two fun facts about yourself!

I operated Space Mountain and three other little rides in Tomorrowland at Walt Disney World. I love fitness and have completed three Spartan Obstacle Course Races with plans to do much more!

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