May’s Corps Member of the Month: Coach Blake

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Golden Trophy video #6 from Chris Conard on Vimeo.

Coach Blake is the most recent honored recipient of the golden trophy award for being May’s AmeriCorps Member of the Month. Recess at Academy Park Elementary is filled with innumerable high fives and positive language. Coach Blake’s program is so solid that it was even featured on KSL. He has built an incredible rapport with not only the kids at Academy Park, but also the teachers and staff. How could we not give him the golden trophy after this amazing Justin Bieber impersonation for their talent show? Read on to learn a little more about Coach Blake:

What is your favorite game or sport?


Which core value is most important to you and why?

Respect is very important to me because it defines our relationship to others and dictates how we navigate our lives.

How do you usually relax after a long day?

I like going to the gym, playing sand volleyball with my brother, going to the park, watching YouTube videos, and napping.

What elementary school(s) did you attend?

Zephyr Cove Elementary

Tell us two fun facts about yourself!

My middle name is a state and my last names are both from different grandpas. In high school I sang tenor for our choir and we performed at Disneyland four years straight.

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