Junior Coach Anjuli Shows What a Leader Looks Like

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Junior Coach Anjuli is a 5th grader at the Michael J. Perkins Elementary School in South Boston. Coach Fidelis, site coordinator at the Perkins school, nominated Anjuli for Junior Coach of the Month because she consistently exceeds expectations as a leader and role model for her peers.

This is Anjuli’s second year as a Junior Coach. Because of her experience and track record, Coach Fidelis gave Anjuli the toughest recess shifts this year, but only because he knew she could handle it. According to Coach Fidelis, “Juli always shows what a leader looks like and sounds like because even when she has challenging classes, she continues to use her attention-getting skills and never lets those classes get to her.”

Anjuli always plans ahead for her recess shifts. She consistently signs in on time, brings the correct amount of recess equipment out to the playground, and knows what activities she plans to run. Coach Fidelis knows he can rely on Anjuli to run recess, even when he isn’t there to support her.

Anjuli is committed to using the skills she learns in Junior Coach Training out at recess. Lately, Coach Fidelis has focused on teaching the Perkins’ Social and Emotional Learning curriculum, and Anjuli has done a great job incorporating lessons into her leadership. Anjuli always uses positive language and supports students to avoid and resolve conflicts on the playground.

We are proud to have Anjuli on our Playworks team at the Perkins. We know she will continue to make a difference every day by being a proactive and responsible leader in her school community.

Coach Fidelis and Junior Coach Anjuli at the Perkins School

Q & A with Junior Coach Anjuli

Q: How does it feel to be selected as the Junior Coach of the Month?

It’s really cool to be Junior Coach of the Month. I really don’t know why…I just do random stuff and never thought I would be selected as Junior Coach of the Month. I just do what the kids want; I think that’s why I got elected.

Q: What’s your favorite part about being a Junior Coach?

I get to show off my skills of being a leader and being responsible and stuff. And I like hanging out with the kids.

Q: What have you learned from Coach Fidelis at Junior Coach Training?

Well, I’ve learned a lot of things; I can’t really focus on one thing. I’ve learned even when kids get really hyper and energetic, you have to remain calm.

Q: What is a piece of advice you would give to other Junior Coaches who want to be successful?

If you want to be a successful Junior Coach you have to work together with your partner. Otherwise, one person doing all the work is not really fair and doesn’t work really well. Another thing is, you should really pay attention in class or else you could get your privileges taken away of being a Junior Coach, so if you want to be successful, you should pay attention and be good in class.

Q: What is your favorite game to play at recess?

Jump rope and freeze tag. I love freeze tag.

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