Principal Rich Leeman is a Recess Rockstar

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Safe and healthy play would not be possible at our partner schools without the support of dedicated administration. We are grateful that we were able to launch Playworks at the Hathaway Elementary School this year with the support of an energetic and hands-on principal like Rich Leeman.

Mr. Leeman has been the principal at the Hathaway Elementary in New Bedford for two years. For Mr. Leeman, the whole school is his office. At any point during the day you might find him in classrooms, on the playground, or checking in with students around school. Mr. Leeman models what he expects of students on a daily basis, and students respect him because of it.

According to a 4th grade teacher at the Hathaway, “Students love having him at recess being supportive! He’s been awesome and it’s been great seeing him come out and hang out with the students.”

According to a 5th grade teacher, “Rich is undefeated in Knockout this year!”

Mr. Leeman understands the importance of play, not only to have fun, but to create a positive culture at school. Playworks practices of using Rock, Paper, Scissors to solve conflicts and giving high-fives and saying “good job, nice try” when students lose a game have been fully adopted by the Hathaway this year.

Rich Leeman is a leader who cares about his students and always makes sure he is accessible to them. It is rock star school staff members like Mr. Leeman whose hard work make Playworks programming possible. Keep up the great work, Mr. Leeman!


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