Coach Balto Makes Excellent Happen

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Coach Balto–Safe Routes to School champion–with two of his students at Ellis Elementary School.

Safe and healthy play would not be possible at Ellis Elementary School in Roxbury without Coach Sam Balto. For three years, Coach Balto has been the physical education teacher at Ellis Elementary. He has worked hard to and ensure that every student is getting active and staying safe.

Coach Balto takes his physical education duties to the next level, finding ways beyond class time to engage with students and inspire healthy lifestyles. Coach Balto is a “Safe Routes to School” champion, leading multiple walk-to-school days throughout the year. He’s always on the lookout for ways to make the neighborhood more walk friendly. He is also a member of the Ellis Wellness Council and organizes events like a Thanksgiving Turkey Trot that promotes healthy living while bringing the school together as a community. Coach Balto also practices what he preaches, getting active by riding his bike to school every day.

As a former Playworks Coach in D.C., Coach Balto is an invaluable supporter of our work at Ellis to promote safe and healthy play. According to Coach Nick, AmeriCorps Playworks Coach at Ellis, Sam Balto has been immensely helpful to him during his first year. “He has helped brainstorm ideas about how to improve recess and has always made himself available as a resource for me during my service year,” says Coach Nick.

We are grateful for rock star school staff members like Coach Balto whose hard work make Playworks’ programming possible.

Coach Balto makes excellent happen at the Ellis by making sure the school and it’s students are safe and ready for play every day! If you want to get to know Coach Balto and the ways he’s ensuring the safety and health of his school community, check him out on twitter: @CoachBalto.


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