Coach Vanessa Makes Excellent Happen

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Coach Vanessa is a returning program coordinator who is no stranger to the mission and values of Playworks. Coach Vanessa is the Playworks Coach at Leahy Elementary School in Lawrence. She is a self-starter who takes great pride in providing students with a safe, healthy, and inclusive environment during recess. Coach Vanessa has an immense commitment to making a difference in her community.

During the month of September, Coach Vanessa hosted a large group of volunteers from Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts at her school for an all-day service project. She was very involved in the preparation of the project, suggesting different tasks for the volunteers to complete to help make recess a more fun, inviting, and colorful environment for the Leahy community. Coach Vanessa helped to ensure that all volunteers had a great experience serving with Playworks with her positive energy, organization of projects, and execution of recess during the service day.

Coach Vanessa continued to make excellent happen at Leahy Elementary School by building excellent relationships with students, staff, and families at her school. She is always willing to host volunteers at her school during recess and ensure that volunteers have a blast. We are sure that her outgoing personality and amazing commitment to the Playworks movement will allow Coach Vanessa to continue to make excellent happen throughout the Lawrence community.

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