Junior Coach Kinsaed Makes Excellent Happen

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Junior Coach Kinsaed is a student at the Conservatory Lab Charter School in Dorchester with Coach Kaleigh. He has been a great leader in and out of the classroom since the first day of school, although he lacked confidence in himself due to being shorter than the rest of his peers. Everyday he greets Coach Kaleigh with a huge smile, a high-five and hello – showing that he is excited to be in school that day. He enjoys being a positive leader in the school and resolving conflicts amongst his peers. Even his teachers are noticing that he is embracing his new leadership position and completing his school work on time to be able to have Junior Coach shifts.
During the month of March, Junior Coach Kinsaed really improved his leadership and communication skills. He was shining at the beginning and end of each recess as he delivered the best attention-getters that got all of the students at recess to get quiet. He was getting groups of students together to try new games and helped divide up teams equally for the most popular games at recess. The students at recess always look up to Junior Coach Kinsaed, because he keeps the peace on the recess yard and is kind hearted to all. Additionally, Kinsaed joined the Playworks Co-Ed Volleyball team, bringing many unexpected dance parties to the game as he cheered on his teammates! We are excited to watch Junior Coach Kinsaed continue to shine as he develops his leadership skills.

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