Junior Coach Rosanna Makes Excellent Happen

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Junior Coach Rosanna is a fourth grader at the Parthum Elementary School in Lawrence with Coach Nick. She is an excellent student and is always respectful to her teachers, her classmates, her peers, and her Playworks Coach! Rosanna is always present at Junior Coach meetings and she makes her presence known without speaking out of turn. Besides being a great scholar, role model, and Junior Coach, Rosanna is also a member of the Playworks Girls' Basketball Team at the Parthum. Her experiences as a Junior Coach helps the steam stay focused and have fun.

During the month of December, Rosanna has gone above and beyond her responsibilities as a Junior Coach. At a first grade recess Junior Coach Rosanna was running a game of Fishy Fishy in the Tag Area. Alex, a first grade student who is blind, bad become separated from his recess partner who is responsible for guiding Alex at recess. Coach Nick asked Rosanna to stay with Alex while he found the partner. As Alex's partner and Coach Nick got back to the Tag Area, Rosanna had Alex by the hand. They were running side by side as Rosanna helped Alex tag classmates. Alex's partner apologized for leaving him and offered to take Alex to whichever game area he wanted. Alex accepted his friend's apology, but wanted to stay with Rosanna. Rosanna gladly agreed to remain Alex's helper and they played side by side for the rest of first grade recess with Junior Coach Rosanna still running the game of Fishy Fishy for the other kids! We are sure that Junior Coach Rosanna's incredible leadership skills will set her up for success during her middle school career and beyond.

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