Coach Em is a second year program coordinator fully invested in helping build the Playworks Metro Boston movement. In November, Coach Em made excellent happen by launching a brand new Playworks program at the Thomas J. Kenny Elementary in Dorchester, Massachusetts. She showed incredible flexibility and came into her new role with enthusiasm and excitement. She created fantastic relationships with various school staff members and all of her teachers signed up for Class Game Time in just a matter of days.
Coach Em made excellent happen throughout the school by successfully implementing the four core values of Playworks – respect, healthy community, healthy play and inclusion. On her very first day she successfully integrated previously gender segregated recesses. Recess monitors were amazed to see boys and girls on the playground jumping rope and playing tag with one another. One can also see Coach Em’s excellent skills during the transition time to and from recess. Before Coach Em arrived, transition time was chaotic, now it is smooth and students return quickly to the classroom ready to learn.
Not only is Coach Em making excellent happen throughout her school, she also makes excellent happen throughout Playworks Metro Boston. She co-leads the program coordinator mentorship program and is always willing to lend a helping hand. Coach Em can always be found smiling and laughing, always offering others to join in on the fun. We are sure that her positive attitude, outgoing personality and amazing commitment to the Playworks movement will allow Coach Em to continue to spread excellence through the Boston community.