Junior Coaches at the State House!

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Congress may be in session, but there was definitely a recess at the Massachusetts State House March 25.

Massachusetts Action for Healthy Kids hosted their annual legislative breakfast, emceed by Playworks' Max Fripp. The event was a perfect one to showcase Playworks — fantastic keynote speakers urged the room to recognize the importance of physical activity and nutrition in schools across Massachusetts.

But the real stars of the day did a lot less speaking and a lot more playing; Coach Brian from the Hennigan Elementary School brought four of his awesome junior coaches to run recess for the legislators and other attendees! We're sending a whoosh clap over to Coach Brian and stand-out Junior Coaches Abdou, Shantel, Oscar, and another awesome junior coach for doing such an amazing job representing Playworks by teaching everyone how to play Four Square and Switch. Way to rock recess at the State House!

Here's an awesome photo of Coach Brian, JCs Abdou, Shantel, and Oscar, and the Hennigan Elementary's principal Amy Sprott in front of the State House after the event.

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