Bingham McCutchen and Playworks!

  1. Updates

Lawyers from Bingham McCutchen in Boston trained more than 40 junior coaches from four Playworks schools in conflict resolution strategies for the playground.  Students learned legal skills such as open-ended questions, paraphrasing and identifying emotions and are actively using these skills at recess and in the classroom.




More Updates

October 3, 2024

Meet Our Coaches for the 2024-25 school year! ›

We are so excited to welcome new and returning Coaches and Site Coordinators to the Playworks New England community. Keep reading to learn about them and what they’re looking forward…

September 20, 2024

Adapting Play for Varying Abilities ›

A 5th grade student had Brittle Bone Disease, a rare condition where his bones are fragile and prone to fracture. In his four years at the elementary school, he had…

August 20, 2024

The Power of Norms ›

As students return back to school, setting norms becomes essential in easing the transition. Shared norms are important throughout the school day, from the classroom to the playground and even…