Leave a legacy of play

For more than twenty years, Playworks has been increasing access to safe, healthy play. Our work contributes to the wider conversation on education in the U.S. by creating greater awareness of the importance of play and recess in schools.

With your help, we can continue to ensure that future generations of children experience the benefits of play. By making a planned gift, you can contribute to Playworks’ sustainability over the long-term—whether or not you can make a large gift right away.

Your gift will create a legacy of physical activity and social and emotional learning for today’s children and tomorrow’s leaders. It may also have a number of practical benefits. Planned gifts can offer substantial tax savings, help part of an estate avoid probate proceedings, and maximize a gift while minimizing impact.


Planned Giving Options


Make a Bequest

Remember Playworks in your will with a specified sum of money or with a percentage of your assets or estate. In addition to benefiting the next generation of kids, a bequest can provide an estate tax deduction for your heirs. Sample language: “I give and bequeath (the sum of $___) (__ percent of my resibuary estate) to Playworks Energzied Education of Oakland, California for its general purposes.”


Charitable Remainder Trust

Creating a charitable remainder trust ensures that the assets entrusted will go to your charity of choice. A charitable remainder trust is irrevocable, but the donor retains the right to change the charitable beneficiary. Sample language: “The Trustees shall pay ($___) or (__ percentage of the assets held in the trust fund) to Playworks Energized Education of Oakland, California for its general purposes.”


Gift Annuity

A gift annuity provides a fixed stream of income for life, based on age. It requires a minimum gift of $10,000 and is irrevocable.


Gift of Home or Other Real Estate

The gift of a home or other real estate with retained life estate will be considered on a case by case basis.


Beneficiary Designation

You may designate Playworks Education Energized as your beneficiary in a variety of cases. A beneficiary designation is revocable by the donor until death and your estate may receive estate and income tax deductions. Examples include Totten Trust Accounts, Life Insurance, and Retirement Plans.


How to Give

In most cases, you do not need to contact Playworks in order to make a planned gift. To make a bequest, you may use the information below:

  • Address: 1423 Broadway, PMB 161, Oakland, CA 94612
  • Tax ID Number: 04-3251867

Disclaimer: This summary was prepared as a guideline and is not intended as professional legal or tax advice. Please consult your own estate attorney or tax professionals regarding your particular situation.


More Information

We would be happy to be alerted of gifts, to be in conversation with your advisors, and to answer any questions we can. Get in Touch

Visit our Ways to Give page to learn about more ways to support Playworks.