
January 20, 2016
Want Active Students? We’re Here to Help! ›
Physical activity is an important part of the school day. It makes students better learners and teaches them healthy habits that can lead to longer, healthier lives. Unfortunately, not every…

August 10, 2015
Playworks SoCal Invites You to Meet the Coaches Happy Hour ~ Aug 20th ›
Playworks Southern California invites you to us at Rock and Brewer for Meet the Coaches Happy Hour. This is the perfect opportunity for all of you game-changers out there to meet the…

June 22, 2015
Coach Jay Shares Her Story ›
Site Coordinator Janelle Matthews was selected by Laureus USA to share her own personal story while spreading awareness about the power of play during the Mercedez-Benz USA National Dealer Meeting on June…

June 1, 2015
Playworks SoCal Invites You to Scramble for Playworks ›
Scramble for Playworks Scramble for Playworks is a time to learn and discover the impact that Playworks is having on Los Angeles County youth and schools. You’ll get an overview of Playworks programs…

April 21, 2015
AmeriCorps Resume Writing Workshop ›
We hosted Vijay Ingam of Interview SOS and LA Resume Service in Southern California for our AmeriCorps Resume Workshop training Wednesday, April 22. Vijay has collaborated with other AmeriCorps members to offer his knowledge of interviewing, resumes,…

March 13, 2015
Happy AmeriCorps Week ›
We want to thank our AmeriCorps members and recognize their service and commitment to their communities. During this year's Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service, our AmeriCorps members partnered with…

December 17, 2014
Why We Play ›
Playworks is the leading nonprofit leveraging the power of play to support and improve children's physical and emotional health. Focusing on recess, Playworks programs provide an opportunity for every student…

August 22, 2014
Marketing Experts to Spends 54 Hours Straight Supporting Playworks Southern California ›
In just 54 hours one weekend this September, a team of designers, developers, advertisers and other top marketing professionals will come together to develop marketing materials to help Playworks impact thousands more kids…

October 18, 2013
Dodgers, United Healthcare, and Playworks partner in “Days of Service and Play” ›
Dodgers alumni and staff and nearly 200 volunteers from UnitedHealthcare to participate in service activities at eight "Dodgers Community of Schools" campuses Read full story Source: UnitedHealthcare Watch the video