
January 29, 2013

Dr. Rudy Crew Comes Out to Play with Friends at Grout ›

Playworks recently invited Dr. Rudy Crew, Oregon’s Chief Education Office, to visit our program at Grout Elementary. He was joined by Superintendent Carole Smith, Portland Public Schools Superintendent and other…

January 24, 2013

Playworks’ Hoops Players Entertain at Halftime ›

Playworks Portland's girls’ basketball teams from King and Woodlawn schools were the halftime event at a recent University of Portland Women's Basketball game. This was a great opportunity for our…

December 19, 2012

Girls Basketball Tips Off ›

Our 4th & 5th Grade Girls’ Basketball League has begun! We were excited to see more than 60 girls, 13 coaches, and several volunteers come out and participate in our…

December 19, 2012

Jill’s Visit and Playworks Open House ›

Playworks Founder and CEO, Jill Vialet stopped by the Rose City and gave out High-Fives at the Portland Office Open House and gave an inspiring speech at Changemakers’ Night about…

December 7, 2012

Playworks Shamrock Run for Recess Team – 164 People Strong! ›

Way to go Run 4 Recess Team, our SUPER TEAM is 164 playful peeps strong! Did you miss the sign-up deadline? That's okay, you can still support our team by donating…

December 7, 2012

Rally your team for our 4th Annual Playworks Portland Corporate Kickball Fundraiser ›

Corporate Kickball is an employee engagement event and fundraiser for Playworks Portland that gets your team out of the office and onto the kickball field for an afternoon of team…

October 29, 2012

Changemakers’ Night Featuring Jill Vialet ›

Join us November 9 for an evening of inspiration with our own Playworks' CEO/Founder Jill Vialet, KIVA co-founder Matt Flannery & Craig Kielburger, co-founder of Free the Children. More information…

October 29, 2012

Playworks Open House ›

You are cordially invited to join us Thursday, November 8 from 5 – 7pm to see our new office, mix, mingle and play some games. We will also have a…

August 24, 2012

Play Works for Employees ›

For the second year in a row, Oregon Business magazine has named Playworks Portland one of the 100 Best Nonprofits to Work For in Oregon. The list is compiled to…