‘Multnomah County Commissioners’ Got Game

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It’s not every day that you get a chance to play games with the Multnomah County Board of Commissioners, but we play with everyone! On February 10th, 2011 we had the opportunity to bring the power of play off the playground and into the Multnomah County Commissioners’ board room. The briefing began with a lively game of ‘Switch’ for Chair Jeff Cogen and Commissioners Deborah Kafoury, Loretta Smith and Judy Shiprak, afterwards they were presented with their own Playworks playground ball. Portland Executive Director Jonathan Blasher then spread the word about the benefits and importance of play by presenting examples from Playworks Portland schools. Not only did the Commissioners get a chance to learn more about how Playworks improves the health and well-being of kids everywhere, they also experienced how we’re improving the school climate: with play.

Commissioner Kafoury said, “I’m such a fan of this program and being a mother of young children, when I first heard about it the light bulb went off, of course, it’s so perfect, it touches so many areas that I can see in my own family’s life that are so important…everything about this program clicks for me”

In a change of pace from budget meetings, ordinance discussions and lengthy day-to-day business the Commissioners were delighted to hear about an effective and positive program serving their county and community.

Commissioner Shiprack added, “A really smart program that makes so much sense”

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