Playworks: One Year Later

  1. Updates

One year ago…

All of our partner schools closed their buildings and our work serving kids in schools risked coming to a halt. We knew our mission had to continue. We remained committed to providing opportunities for joy and connection through play for kids in a COVID safe way, regardless if their school was virtual, in-person and socially distanced, or hybrid. 

With the support of our communities, we successfully developed new ways to share the #powerofplay. Watch this video to see highlights of our accomplishments, which would not have been possible without a supportive community filled with people like you.

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More Updates

October 21, 2024

Why Kids Should Experience a Variety of Sports and Games ›

Childhood is a time of exploration, where kids can try new things, discover hidden talents, and develop critical life skills. One of the best ways to foster this growth is…

September 20, 2024

Adapting Play for Varying Abilities ›

A 5th grade student had Brittle Bone Disease, a rare condition where his bones are fragile and prone to fracture. In his four years at the elementary school, he had…

students with coach
students with coach

September 4, 2024

Playworks Northern California Receives $25,000 Foundation Grant from U.S. Bank ›

Oakland, CA – Playworks Northern California, a nonprofit organization whose mission is to improve the health and well-being of children by increasing opportunities for physical activity and safe, meaningful play, …