Meet Jerry Sherman: Playworks SF’s newest Board Member

  1. Updates

“In 2004, my oldest son, Peter, was diagnosed with autism. Over the years, seeing Peter grow and attend school, my wife and I realized that many of Peter’s biggest challenges would not come in the structured environment of the classroom, but in the unstructured environment of the playground.

So when I first heard about Playworks, I was immediately interested.  Playworks’ focus on using safe, fun and inclusive play to facilitate learning and social development mirror what we have found with Peter—specifically, if Peter has a good day on the playground, he is almost certain to have a good day in the classroom and at home.  The best part is that the same rules seem to apply to all kids, regardless of ability—a good day of play for a child makes for a good day, period.

Playworks appeals to me because I believe that the potential for the organization to positively enhance the lives of all kids through play is almost limitless, and I am eager to do my part to contribute to and promote such a worthwhile cause.”

Jerry Sherman
December 2010

More Updates

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students with coach

September 4, 2024

Playworks Northern California Receives $25,000 Foundation Grant from U.S. Bank ›

Oakland, CA – Playworks Northern California, a nonprofit organization whose mission is to improve the health and well-being of children by increasing opportunities for physical activity and safe, meaningful play, …

August 20, 2024

The Power of Norms ›

As students return back to school, setting norms becomes essential in easing the transition. Shared norms are important throughout the school day, from the classroom to the playground and even…

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SparkPlay logo

August 1, 2024

Introducing SparkPlay presented by Playworks ›

Playworks is thrilled to announce the launch of a new learning tool. SparkPlay is Playworks’ subscription-based, online resource supports the continuous learning of safe and healthy play for school and…