Four Square with Football Giants

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Buffalo Bills Running Back Marshawn Lynch and Tampa Bay Buccaneers Quarterback Josh Johnson cherry bombed and roshamboed alongside Playworks staff at an appreciation reception Saturday, July 10th at the Vitamin Water Social Club as the culmination of a long, fun weekend.Playworks was the recipient of all the proceeds from Octagon Sports' Family First Football Camp and Bowling Event held on Friday and Saturday.  Footballs players, agents, business associates, family, and friends all enjoyed the evening together, the highlight being four-square downstairs with the most playful people at the party. 

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September 20, 2024

Adapting Play for Varying Abilities ›

A 5th grade student had Brittle Bone Disease, a rare condition where his bones are fragile and prone to fracture. In his four years at the elementary school, he had…

students with coach
students with coach

September 4, 2024

Playworks Northern California Receives $25,000 Foundation Grant from U.S. Bank ›

Oakland, CA – Playworks Northern California, a nonprofit organization whose mission is to improve the health and well-being of children by increasing opportunities for physical activity and safe, meaningful play, …

August 20, 2024

The Power of Norms ›

As students return back to school, setting norms becomes essential in easing the transition. Shared norms are important throughout the school day, from the classroom to the playground and even…