2010 Silicon Valley Corporate Kickball Tournament

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Playworks Silicon Valley is proud to announce the annual 2010 Playworks Silicon Valley Corporate Kickball Tournament. Happening June 11, 2010 from 12 – 5pm at the Twin Creek Sports Complex, kickball teams representing companies and organizations from around the area will gather for the Second Annual Playworks Silicon Valley Corporate Kickball Tournament.

Representatives from all levels of the participating organizations will join in the full day event, which features lots of high fives, chest bumping, smiles and great food. Playworks staff members will be on hand to assist in the festivities, doing everything from escorting teams around to refereeing to leading cheers!

Proceeds from the tournament will be used to fund Playworks activities at low-income schools throughout the Silicon Valley. Come out for a great day of fun and teamwork!

For more information please contact Phuoc Nguyen at (408) 824-9287.

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