Want to Make a Difference? Join Our Playmakers Board!

  1. Updates

The Playmakers Board supports the overall mission and programs of Playworks Illinois.  The Playmakers Board membership is comprised of professionals in the Chicago area community who are seeking philanthropic experience beyond basic volunteering. Members will gain hands-on experience in leveraging their individual expertise to effectively support the efforts of Playworks – cultivating and practicing skills that make a successful non-profit board member.

Why join the Playmakers Board?

Playmakers Board members will help support Playworks’ efforts by: providing professional expertise; generating fundraising opportunities and events; networking with fellow Playmakers Board members and the Playworks Illinois Executive Board; and making personal contributions of your time, talent and treasure.

As a member of the Playworks Illinois Playmakers Board, your mission will be to foster a broad public understanding of the importance of play in child development and the vital role recess plays in providing the space and time for healthy play in each child’s life.


  • Build resume with real-time nonprofit board/strategy experience.
  • Build a strong camaraderie through various networking opportunities.
  • Develop fundraising skills and experience.
  • Opportunity to become chair of Playmakers Board and/or have seat on Executive Board.

If you:

  • You believe in the Playworks mission to empower play while improving school climate, reducing bullying, and increasing time for learning;
  • Are committed to being a Playworks advocate, ambassador and spokesperson within the community.
  • And, have an interest in the objectives and programs of the organization.

Then the Playmakers board is for you!

To become a member of the Playmakers board, fill out the application.  Questions? Contact Lee Ann Eiland, Development Manager, at leeann.eiland@playworks.org.

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