Playworks conducts an annual survey of school staff for the purpose of learning more about our impact on students and the school climate as we learn about areas we can improve our programming. The survey covers student behavior during recess, in the classroom, and overall school climate. The survey is a combination of Likert scale rating questions as well as open-ended questions.
All schools receiving Playworks programming are invited to participate in the survey. Surveys are completed by principals, teachers, and other support staff either online or on a paper survey.
The survey is completed in May at the end of the school year. Playworks uses the data to learn about our impact and identify trends both nationally and at the city-level. Please see below for a few testimonials shared out during this survey as well.
“This program has transformed our recess time campus wide into a more collaborative and safe environment. One of our junior coaches was a shy and reserved student and has become a leader in the classroom and during recess.” -Pueblo del Sol School in Phoenix
“Playworks has been a game changer at our school. Our students are happier and they play more. We have students who have previously been the behavior problem who, after they become junior coaches, their behaviors decrease and their leadership increases.” -Longfellow School in Mesa
“The goals of Playworks needs to be in every school. Children celebrating each other, giving high 5’s and saying “Good job, nice try” does so much to set a positive school climate. We have loved Playworks! Children have become more responsible for equipment and invite others to join in their games at recess. I also notice children interacting more positively when they have group projects or activities to complete. I have seen Ro-Sham-Bo being used inside to resolve conflicts.” -Kyrene de la Colina School in Phoenix
“We have seen positive changes on the playground and in our classrooms. There are kids playing with each other who wouldn’t normally play together. Students engage in the games and activities that normally would be sitting or walking alone. Students bring their conflict resolution style into the classroom.” -Carol G Peck School in Glendale