February Junior Coach of the Month

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We are thrilled to announce Odree from Crockett Elementary as our February Junior Coach of the Month!

Odree embraced her ability to help students throughout her school in her first few weeks of training. Whether using her conflict resolution skills to solve problems or giving every student a hug before they made their way into lunch, Odree wanted to let students know she cared.

On the playground, with or without her purple Playworks shirt, she is always looking for students to rally together to play a game. She can even be seen talking to students sitting alone. With a few kind words, Odree gets these students to play.

Recently, Odree proved that being a Junior Coach is her true passion. During a Friday recess with first and second graders, Odree raced students to their line to prepare them for a “who rocks” cheer. As she was having students get close to the ground, she noticed something was wrong with one of the first graders.

“Coach,” she said, “I think his nose is bleeding.” Without skipping a beat, Odree rushed over to see what she could do. She asked the student if he was okay. He nodded. She must have seen that he was scared because in an instant she assured, “You’re okay! Quick fix!” Her face was all smiles.

She asked the student to follow her to the nurse but as he walked, his nose bled more. Odree, the quick thinker, pulled off her Junior Coach shirt and asked if the student would like it to help block up his nose. He agreed and she held the shirt under his nose. When Odree met her Playworks Coach back outside, she told the story of how she was able to help a student in a way only a Junior Coach could. At her Junior Coach training, she was applauded for her creative thinking, fearlessness, and drive to make a difference. She was proud of herself for helping another student and through telling her story, we were all inspired to do the same.

Join us in giving a rollercoaster clap to Odree for helping to #EnergizeAZ at Crockett Elementary!

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