February Junior Coach of the Month

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Gabrielle Weston is a Junior Coach at Biltmore Preparatory Academy!

This Junior Coach has always shown enthusiasm when given the chance to lead. From the very beginning she always raised her hand first to volunteer or to give an answer to a question. One day, Coach Berlin facilitated a lesson where Junior Coaches talked about what it means to be a leader, and that there are times where you should lead, and times when you should follow. Gabrielle embraced that leadership strategy. During games and team builders, she is conscious of how often she steps up to lead and intentionally steps back to give others a chance.

Coach Berlin is continually amazed by how much this junior coach wants to become a great leader in her school community and make a positive impact on her peers! When Gabrielle was on the Playworks soccer team she would cheer on her teammates while helping up the other team if they fell. Also, when Coach Berlin was absent due to being sick, she showed initiative by asking someone in the front office to help get the equipment so recess could run like normal.

Congrats to Gabrielle for helping to #EnergizeAZ!

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