
  • Grades 1-2

  • Bouncy Balls

Development Goal

To develop listening and motor skills

Before You Start

Skills Practiced: Catching and throwing.

  • Ask them to make a big circle, with some space between the people next to them.
  • Play starts in the middle with the ball.


How to Play

  • Explain that the thrower in the middle will go around the circle tossing the ball to each person saying “Push” or “Catch”
  • If the thrower says “Push” the person that the ball is thrown to needs to catch it.
  • If the thrower says “Catch” the person that the ball is thrown to needs to push it back.
  • If they do the correct motion to the command they remain in the game, if they do the wrong action the sit until the next round.
  • Next round starts once there is one person left standing


  • The game can be played were the thrower can go in any order and can also incorporate snake eyes/faking out the students in the circle.
  • This game can be used for various league practices like volleyball but instead of saying “push” or “catch”, you say “bump” or “volley”.