How to play Booty Ball, a seated volleyball game.

The Game of the Month is Volleyball! This month in honor of our dozens of developmental volleyball leagues across the country, we're sharing fun volleyball skills building games. This week's game is a simple introductory game to volleyball. The Game of the Week is Booty Ball!

Group Size:  10+

Age Group:   Grade 1+
Length of Activity:   More than 10 minutes
Developmental Goal:   To provide an introductory game to standard volleyball.
Equipment:  Volleyball and some cones

Before You Start: 

  • Set up a rectangular area divided into two areas, each large enough for half of the group to comfortably sit with space for each player.
  • Set up chairs facing outward to enclose playing area and act as the “net”.
  • Teach the game to the students and ask them to explain it back to you.
  • Teach the concept of the set and passing to teammates.
  • Demonstrate the concept.
  • Be ready for students to be very silly the first few times they hear the name of the game.

Set Up: 

Create one large playing area marked by cones and large cones or chairs in the middle. Can use a beach ball or balloon before moving to volleyball.

How to Play: 

  • Divide the group into two teams.
  • Everyone sit on their teamâ€'s side, spaced out evenly on the floor.
  • Drop the ball into play in one of the team areas.
  • Players attempt to hit the ball to the other team, over the chairs which are dividing the court.
  • Players may hit the ball with arms, legs, or any body part, but may not lift their bottom off of the ground.
  • There are only three hits allowed per side so help the students count aloud.
  • Players try to keep the ball volleying back and forth as long as possible.


  • Knee Ball:“ Same as above, except students must stay on their knees.
  • Chair Volleyball:€“ Students are divided into teams and spread out on the court, sitting in chairs. They can hit the ball with any body part but cannot get out of the chair.
  • Multi-balls: Add one or more balls into the mix. Follow same exact format.
  • Competitive: Add the serving component and award points following regulation rules.

Love implementing Game of the Week? Playworks offers professional development programs that will teach your staff to use recess and playtime to improve health and support learning. Curious to learn more? Submit the Training Assessment form and a local Playworks representative will respond directly.


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